
class user.views.DashboardView(**kwargs)[source]#

View for displaying the dashboard.

This class represents a view for displaying the user dashboard.


template_name (str): The name of the template used for rendering the dashboard.

class user.views.HealthCheckView(**kwargs)[source]#

A class-based view for the health check endpoint.

This view responds with an HTTP 200 OK status code when the application is healthy.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Handle GET requests to the health check endpoint.


request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object.


HttpResponse: An HTTP response with an “OK” message.

class user.views.LoginView(**kwargs)[source]#

View for user login.

This class represents a view for user login, inheriting from the Django built-in LoginView.


template_name (str): The name of the template used for rendering the login form. authentication_form (Form): The form class used for user authentication.


alias of AuthForm


Handles invalid form submission.

This method handles the case when the login form submission is invalid, displaying an error message to the user.


form (Form): The invalid form instance.


HttpResponse: The HTTP response with the rendered form and error message.

class user.views.LogoutView(**kwargs)[source]#

View for user logout.

This class represents a view for user logout, inheriting from the Django built-in LogoutView.

class user.views.RedirectView(**kwargs)[source]#

Redirect view.

This class is a simple redirection view, inheriting from the abstract RedirectView.

class user.views.RegistrationView(**kwargs)[source]#

View for user registration.

This class represents a view for user registration, inheriting from the Django built-in CreateView.


model (Model): The model class used for user registration. form_class (Form): The form class used for user registration. template_name (str): The name of the template used for rendering the registration form. success_url (str): The URL to redirect to after successful registration.


alias of RegistrationForm


alias of User