
class user.admin.UserAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]#

Custom UserAdmin configuration.

This class extends the default UserAdmin provided by Django to customize the admin interface for managing users.


search_fields (tuple): Fields to be used in search queries within the admin interface. ordering (tuple): Fields to determine the default ordering of user objects in the admin interface. fieldsets (tuple): Fieldsets to organize the fields displayed in the user detail view. add_fieldsets (tuple): Fieldsets to organize the fields displayed in the user creation form. actions (list): List of admin actions available for user management, including the custom action ‘mark_undo’.


This class should be used to register the User model with the Django admin interface.

user.admin.mark_undo(modeladmin, request, queryset)[source]#

Custom admin action to mark selected users as recovered.


modeladmin: The ModelAdmin instance. request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. queryset (QuerySet): The queryset containing the selected users.