
class abstract.admin.ModelAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]#

Custom ModelAdmin class with additional functionalities.


list_per_page (int): Number of items to display per page in the admin list view. exclude (list): List of fields to exclude from the admin interface. list_display (list): List of fields to display in the admin list view. actions (list): List of custom actions to perform on selected items in the admin interface.

delete_queryset(request, queryset)[source]#

Custom action to soft-delete selected items in the queryset.


request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. queryset (QuerySet): The queryset containing the selected items to delete.

abstract.admin.mark_undo(modeladmin, request, queryset)[source]#

Custom admin action to mark selected items as recovered.


modeladmin: The ModelAdmin instance. request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. queryset (QuerySet): The queryset containing the selected items.