
class user.models.User(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Custom user model.

This class extends the default AbstractUser provided by Django to customize user behavior and attributes.


USERNAME_FIELD (str): The field used for user authentication, set to “username”. mobile_no (CharField): Field for storing the user’s mobile number.


__str__(): Returns the string representation of the user (username). get_full_name(): Returns the full name of the user, composed of first name and last name if available, otherwise username. delete(): Overrides the delete method to prevent deletion of staff users.


managed (bool): Indicates whether the model’s table is managed by Django’s migrations. Takes the value from settings.MANAGE_DATABASE. db_table (str): The name of the database table for the model, set to “user”. verbose_name_plural (str): The plural name for the model used in the Django admin, set to “Users”. default_permissions (list): List of default permissions for the model, only included if settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS is False.


This class is intended to be used as a custom user model in Django projects.

exception DoesNotExist#
exception MultipleObjectsReturned#
delete(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Override the delete method to prevent deletion of staff users.

This method checks if the user is a staff member. If the user is a staff member, it sets the is_staff attribute to False and saves the user instance, effectively removing staff privileges without deleting the user from the database.


*args: Variable length argument list. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.




Return the full name of the user.

If the user has both first name and last name specified, it returns the concatenation of the first name and last name separated by a space. If either the first name or last name is not specified, it returns the username.


str: The full name of the user.