Source code for user.views

from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth import views
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.views import View
from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView
from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny

from abstract.views import CreateAPIView, RedirectView, TemplateView
from user.forms import AuthForm, RegistrationForm
from user.models import User
from user.serializers import RegistrationSerializer

[docs] class HealthCheckView(View): """ A class-based view for the health check endpoint. This view responds with an HTTP 200 OK status code when the application is healthy. """
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Handle GET requests to the health check endpoint. Parameters: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object. Returns: HttpResponse: An HTTP response with an "OK" message. """ return HttpResponse("OK")
[docs] class RedirectView(RedirectView): """ Redirect view. This class is a simple redirection view, inheriting from the abstract RedirectView. """ pass
class RegistrationView(CreateAPIView): """ Endpoint for user registration. This class provides an API endpoint for user registration, allowing new users to register with the system. Attributes: permission_classes (list): List of permission classes allowed for accessing this endpoint. queryset (QuerySet): QuerySet of User model instances. serializer_class (Serializer): Serializer class used for validation and serialization of registration data. """ permission_classes = [AllowAny] queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = RegistrationSerializer
[docs] class DashboardView(TemplateView): """ View for displaying the dashboard. This class represents a view for displaying the user dashboard. Attributes: template_name (str): The name of the template used for rendering the dashboard. """ template_name = "task_management/dashboard.html"
[docs] class LoginView(views.LoginView): """ View for user login. This class represents a view for user login, inheriting from the Django built-in LoginView. Attributes: template_name (str): The name of the template used for rendering the login form. authentication_form (Form): The form class used for user authentication. """ template_name = "default/form.html" authentication_form = AuthForm
[docs] def form_invalid(self, form): """ Handles invalid form submission. This method handles the case when the login form submission is invalid, displaying an error message to the user. Args: form (Form): The invalid form instance. Returns: HttpResponse: The HTTP response with the rendered form and error message. """ messages.error(self.request, "Invalid username or password") return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form))
[docs] class LogoutView(views.LogoutView): """ View for user logout. This class represents a view for user logout, inheriting from the Django built-in LogoutView. """ pass
[docs] class RegistrationView(CreateView): """ View for user registration. This class represents a view for user registration, inheriting from the Django built-in CreateView. Attributes: model (Model): The model class used for user registration. form_class (Form): The form class used for user registration. template_name (str): The name of the template used for rendering the registration form. success_url (str): The URL to redirect to after successful registration. """ model = User form_class = RegistrationForm template_name = "default/form.html" success_url = reverse_lazy("user:login_view")