Source code for user.forms

from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm, UserCreationForm
from django.forms import CharField, PasswordInput

from user.models import User

[docs] class AuthForm(AuthenticationForm): """ Custom authentication form. This form extends the default AuthenticationForm provided by Django. Attributes: username (CharField): Field for entering the username. password (PasswordInput): Field for entering the password securely (masked). Inherits: AuthenticationForm: Base authentication form provided by Django. Note: This class overrides the username field to allow customizations. """ username = CharField() password = PasswordInput()
[docs] class RegistrationForm(UserCreationForm): """ Form for user registration. This form extends the default UserCreationForm provided by Django for user registration. Meta: model (User): The user model for which the form is created. fields (list): List of fields to be included in the form, including "username", "password1", and "password2". Inherits: UserCreationForm: Base form provided by Django for user registration. """ class Meta: model = User fields = ["username", "password1", "password2"]