Source code for task_management.views

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.urls import reverse_lazy

from abstract.views import CreateView, DeleteView, DetailChildView, ListView, UpdateView
from task_management.forms import BoardForm, ListForm, TaskForm
from task_management.models import Board, List, Task

[docs] class BoardListView(ListView): """ View for listing all boards. Displays a list of all boards available in the system. """ model = Board child_header = "Boards List" template_name = "task_management/boards.html"
[docs] class ListListView(ListView): """ View for listing all lists. Displays a list of all lists available in the system. """ model = List child_header = "Lists" template_name = "task_management/lists.html"
[docs] class TaskListView(ListView): """ View for listing all tasks. Displays a list of all tasks available in the system. """ model = Task child_header = "Task List" template_name = "task_management/tasks.html"
[docs] class BoardDetailView(DetailChildView): """ View for displaying details of a board. Displays details of a specific board along with its linked lists. """ model = Board field = "lists" child_header = "Linked Lists" template_name = "task_management/board.html"
[docs] class ListDetailView(DetailChildView): """ View for displaying details of a list. Displays details of a specific list along with its linked tasks. """ model = List field = "tasks" child_header = "Linked Tasks" template_name = "task_management/list.html"
[docs] class TaskDetailView(DetailChildView): """ View for displaying details of a task. Displays details of a specific task along with its assigned user (if any). """ model = Task filter_by_user = False field = "assigned_to" child_header = "Task Description" template_name = "task_management/task.html"
[docs] class BoardCreateView(CreateView): """ View for creating a new board. Renders a form to create a new board. """ model = Board form_class = BoardForm
[docs] class BoardListCreateView(CreateView): """ View for creating a new list within a board. Renders a form to create a new list associated with a specific board. """ model = List form_class = ListForm
[docs] def get_initial(self): initial = super().get_initial() initial["assigned_board"] = Board.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get("pk")) return initial
[docs] class ListCreateView(CreateView): """ View for creating a new list. Renders a form to create a new list. """ model = List form_class = ListForm
[docs] class ListTaskCreateView(CreateView): """ View for creating a new task within a list. Renders a form to create a new task associated with a specific list. """ model = Task form_class = TaskForm
[docs] def get_initial(self): initial = super().get_initial() initial["assigned_list"] = List.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get("pk")) return initial
[docs] class TaskCreateView(CreateView): """ View for creating a new task. Renders a form to create a new task. """ model = Task form_class = TaskForm
[docs] class BoardUpdateView(UpdateView): """ View for updating a board. Renders a form to update an existing board. """ model = Board form_class = BoardForm
[docs] class ListUpdateView(UpdateView): """ View for updating a list. Renders a form to update an existing list. """ model = List form_class = ListForm
[docs] class TaskUpdateView(UpdateView): """ View for updating a task. Renders a form to update an existing task. """ model = Task form_class = TaskForm
[docs] class BoardDeleteView(DeleteView): """ View for deleting a board. Renders a confirmation page to delete an existing board. """ model = Board success_url = reverse_lazy("task_management:boardlist_view")
[docs] class ListDeleteView(DeleteView): """ View for deleting a list. Renders a confirmation page to delete an existing list. """ model = List success_url = reverse_lazy("task_management:listlist_view")
[docs] class TaskDeleteView(DeleteView): """ View for deleting a task. Renders a confirmation page to delete an existing task. """ model = Task success_url = reverse_lazy("task_management:tasklist_view")