Source code for abstract.views

from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.views import generic
from django.views.generic import base, edit
from rest_framework import generics

[docs] class CreateAPIView(generics.CreateAPIView): """ A view for creating instances of a model using Django REST Framework's CreateAPIView. Inherits: generics.CreateAPIView Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the serializer_class attribute with the appropriate serializer for creating instances. Example: class MyCreateAPIView(CreateAPIView): serializer_class = MyModelSerializer """ pass
[docs] class View(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.View): """ A base view class with login required, inheriting from Django's generic View. Inherits: generic.View Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and implement the appropriate HTTP methods (e.g., get, post, etc.). Example: class MyView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # implement get method logic """ pass
[docs] class TemplateView(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.TemplateView): """ A view rendering a template, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic TemplateView. Inherits: generic.TemplateView Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the template_name attribute with the path to the template to render. Example: class MyTemplateView(TemplateView): template_name = "my_template.html" """ pass
[docs] class FormView(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.FormView): """ A view rendering a form, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic FormView. Inherits: generic.FormView Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the form_class attribute with the appropriate form class. Example: class MyFormView(FormView): form_class = MyForm Note: Make sure to define the template_name attribute to specify the template for rendering the form. By default, it looks for a template with the name <app>/<model>_form.html. """ pass
[docs] class ListView(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.ListView): """ A view rendering a list of objects, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic ListView. Inherits: generic.ListView Attributes: paginate_by (int): Number of objects to display per page. template_name (str): Path to the template for rendering the list view. child_header (str): Header for the child view, if applicable. Methods: get_queryset(): Returns the queryset of objects to display. get_context_data(**kwargs): Returns the context data to pass to the template. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the model attribute with the model to list. Example: class MyListView(ListView): model = MyModel Notes: - The template for rendering the list view is determined by the 'template_name' attribute. - Pagination is enabled by default and can be adjusted using the 'paginate_by' attribute. - Additional context data can be provided to the template by overriding the 'get_context_data' method. """ paginate_by = 12 template_name = "default/list.html" ordering = ["-updated_by"] child_header = None
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """ Retrieve objects related to the main object based on the specified field. Args: context (dict): The context containing the main object. Returns: queryset: A queryset containing the related objects filtered based on the user if applicable. """ if self.request.user.is_authenticated: return super().get_queryset().filter(created_by=self.request.user) return super().get_queryset()
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Retrieve keyword arguments for form instantiation. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for form instantiation including the operating user. """ context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) if self.child_header: context["child_header"] = self.child_header return context
[docs] class DetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.DetailView): """ A view rendering the details of a single object, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic DetailView. Inherits: generic.DetailView Attributes: template_name (str): Path to the template for rendering the detail view. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the model attribute with the model whose details are to be displayed. Example: class MyDetailView(DetailView): model = MyModel Notes: - The template for rendering the detail view is determined by the 'template_name' attribute. - The object to display details for is fetched automatically based on the URL parameters. """ template_name = "default/detail.html"
[docs] class DetailChildView(DetailView): """ A view rendering details of child objects related to a main object, with login required, inheriting from DetailView. Inherits: DetailView Attributes: template_name (str): Path to the template for rendering the detail view. field (str): The field name specifying the relationship to the child objects. child_header (str): Header for the child view, if applicable. filter_by_user (bool): Flag indicating whether to filter child objects based on the user. Methods: get_objects(context): Retrieve child objects related to the main object. get_context_data(**kwargs): Retrieve context data including child objects. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the model attribute with the model whose details are to be displayed, along with other necessary attributes. Example: class MyDetailChildView(DetailChildView): model = MyModel field = 'related_objects' Notes: - The template for rendering the detail view is determined by the 'template_name' attribute. - Child objects are fetched automatically based on the relationship specified in 'field'. - Child objects can be filtered based on the user if 'filter_by_user' is set to True. """ template_name = "default/detail_child.html" field = None child_header = None filter_by_user = True
[docs] def get_objects(self, context): """ Retrieve child objects related to the main object based on the specified field. Args: context (dict): The context containing the main object. Returns: queryset: A queryset containing the related child objects, optionally filtered based on the user. """ if self.request.user.is_authenticated and self.filter_by_user: return getattr(context["object"], self.field).filter( created_by=self.request.user ) return getattr(context["object"], self.field).all()
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Retrieve context data including child objects related to the main object. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: dict: Context data including child objects. """ context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) if self.field and hasattr(context["object"], self.field): if self.child_header: context["child_header"] = self.child_header context["object_list"] = self.get_objects(context=context) return context
[docs] class CreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, edit.CreateView): """ A view for creating new instances of a model, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic CreateView. Inherits: edit.CreateView Attributes: template_name (str): Path to the template for rendering the create view. Methods: get_form_kwargs(): Retrieve keyword arguments for form instantiation. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the model and form_class attributes. Example: class MyCreateView(CreateView): model = MyModel form_class = MyForm Notes: - The template for rendering the create view is determined by the 'template_name' attribute. - The form for creating instances is automatically generated based on the 'form_class' attribute. - Additional keyword arguments for form instantiation can be retrieved by overriding the 'get_form_kwargs' method. """ template_name = "default/form.html"
[docs] def get_form_kwargs(self): """ Retrieve keyword arguments for form instantiation. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for form instantiation including the operating user. """ kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() kwargs["operating_user"] = self.request.user return kwargs
[docs] class DeleteView(LoginRequiredMixin, edit.DeleteView): """ A view for deleting an instance of a model, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic DeleteView. Inherits: edit.DeleteView Attributes: template_name (str): Path to the template for rendering the delete view. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the model attribute. Example: class MyDeleteView(DeleteView): model = MyModel Notes: - The template for rendering the delete view is determined by the 'template_name' attribute. - Confirmation of deletion is handled by the associated template. """ template_name = "default/form_delete.html"
[docs] class UpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, edit.UpdateView): """ A view for updating an instance of a model, with login required, inheriting from Django's generic UpdateView. Inherits: edit.UpdateView Attributes: template_name (str): Path to the template for rendering the update view. Methods: get_form_kwargs(): Retrieve keyword arguments for form instantiation. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the model attribute. Example: class MyUpdateView(UpdateView): model = MyModel Notes: - The template for rendering the update view is determined by the 'template_name' attribute. - The form for updating instances is automatically generated based on the model. - Additional keyword arguments for form instantiation can be retrieved by overriding the 'get_form_kwargs' method. """ template_name = "default/form.html"
[docs] def get_form_kwargs(self): """ Retrieve keyword arguments for form instantiation. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for form instantiation including the operating user. """ kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() kwargs["operating_user"] = self.request.user return kwargs
[docs] class RedirectView(base.RedirectView): """ A view for redirecting to a specified URL, inheriting from Django's generic RedirectView. Inherits: base.RedirectView Attributes: permanent (bool): Flag indicating whether the redirection is permanent. url (str): URL to redirect to. Usage: Define your view class inheriting from this class and specify the 'url' attribute. Example: class MyRedirectView(RedirectView): url = '/my-redirect-url/' Notes: - The 'permanent' attribute determines whether the redirection is permanent (HTTP status code 301) or temporary (HTTP status code 302). - The 'url' attribute specifies the destination URL to redirect to. """ permanent = False url = reverse_lazy("user:login_view")